1st Women’s Forum from Jenny.gr: A day of inspiration and information

The 1st Women’s Forum of Jenny.gr and Liquid Media, entitled “I’M HERE FOR YOU”, was an event full of inspiration, information and emotion. It took place on April 19, 2024 at the Athens Concert Hall, on the initiative of Jenny Balatsinou, Executive Consultant of Jenny.gr, and attracted women from various sectors of society.

The forum focused on the empowerment of women, the importance of supporting each other and how they can bring about positive changes in their societies.
Intercatering had the pleasure of catering to the event while the participants enjoyed our excellent services.

The success of the forum was also important for its philanthropic purpose, as the proceeds from the sale of tickets will be allocated to the humanitarian organization HUMANITY GREECE, with the aim of supporting and renovating the Women’s Cultural Association of Metamorphosis Karditsa, which had a decisive role in rescuing 70 people during the storm Daniel.